Book ReviewDevOpsMonitoringAlertsOn-CallEverybody's favorite saga about Site Reliability Engineering is back. This time it comes with plenty of actionable advice.
MonitoringAlertsSplunkDevOpsHere are the six different types of monitoring tools that will give you and your team everything you need to feel confident about your applications' health.
MonitoringAlertsTerraformDataDogOn-CallMultiwindow, multi-burn-rate alerts are the hottest way of building reliable alerts. Let's configure some in DataDog using Terraform
MonitoringAlertsSynthetic transactions is a way of monitoring a system from the perspective of the users interacting with it. Let's learn about its benefits.
MonitoringPracticesAlertsOn-CallIf you've been part of an On-Call rotation, you know how a bad setup will leave you (literally) sleepless. Let's work on fixing that