Migrating to Gatsby
ReactGatsbySome months ago, I decided to rewrite my website using React, to experiment with a bunch of new features of React that I wanted to use at work. To spare myself the trouble of bootstrapping the whole thing, I used the awesome Create React App from Facebook.
Lately I have been working with a lot of different technologies and setups, and I wanted to get into the habit of writing about it a bit more, if only for my own amusement. I have been looking for a super simple way to publish Markdown files that I could host myself. After looking a bit around, it seemed to me that CRA was not going to provide that unless I built a significant part of it myself.
Then I stumbled across Gatsby. I was not keen to spend a lot of time doing plumbing and configuration, but Gatsby offered a lot of useful features, and seemed to be a very convenient way to set up a simple blog while keeping React pages. I went with this bootrapper, as it came with Bootstrap 4, which is what I have been using for my personal projects lately.
There are basically endless possibilities to customize Gatsby, and plenty of resources on the internet to get inspiration from as well. There were a few areas where I couldn’t find much help, though, so I wrote down some thoughts about how to get things like testing, dockerizing or a CI/CD pipeline.
The initial distribution does not come with any setup infrastructure. For building static pages testing is not as important as in other cases, but I still want some simple sanity tests to make sure my components are not blowing up. This Gist helped me get in the right direction to do a minimal setup for Jest, which is my goto framework for testing React apps.
For my components I am not really interested in snapshot tests (I feel visual inspection is enough to check the layout), so I went with Enzyme instead, to do a shallow render of every component. I added this setupTests.js
import { configure } from 'enzyme'
import Adapter from 'enzyme-adapter-react-15'
configure({ adapter: new Adapter() })
// a global graphql is expected by gatsby
global.graphql = () => ''
All my tests are very similar, just a quick check that the component renders. An example would be:
import React from 'react'
import { shallow } from 'enzyme'
import Talks from './index'
describe('components', () => {
describe('Talks', () => {
it('renders correctly', () => {
const component = shallow(<Talks />)
Dockerizing the app
Since quite some time, I tend to use Docker to package all my applications. I love having a unified way to build artifacts that can be dealt in an unified manner, regardless of technology. Following the best practices from a colleague from work, I set out to containerize my freshly built website, which turned out to be much harder than I thought.
My use case for Docker in this case is a bit forced, as I am not really running anything inside the container. Instead, I am using it to compile the repo to a bunch of html, css and js files, which I extract from the container so that it can be served by nginx. Nevertheless, I still want to use a good quality image for that.
My problems with Gatsby were mostly related to image plugins. There is sharp
and some others that needed libpng
among others. After much fighting and cursing, I shamefully gave up on using alpine to build the code and switched instead to a slim image, which bloated the size of the container quite a lot. Here is how it looks like
FROM node:9.8.0-slim as builder
COPY . .
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y build-essential libpng-dev zlib1g-dev \
&& yarn \
&& yarn run build \
&& yarn cache clean \
&& find public -regextype posix-basic -regex '.*\.\(js\|css\)\(.map\)\?$' | xargs -I@ sh -c "gzip -c @ > @.gz" \
&& rm -Rf node_modules \
&& apt-get remove -y build-essential libpng-dev zlib1g-dev \
&& apt-get clean
FROM alpine:3.7
COPY /app/public build
CMD cp -a build/* public/ && echo 'Build done'
I am using a Multi Stage build for docker. That way, even if the building takes quite a lot of space, the resulting image is very small, and it can be published easily. I really like using this feature to get the smallest possible images.
CI/CD Pipeline
Writing a pipeline for a hobby project like this is a complete overkill, but I still wanted to get it automatically deployed after each commit while doing a bunch of quality checks before. I host it on Travis, which is awesome for this kind of projects.
My pipeline is relatively standard, which a bunch of steps to ensure that it works, plus packaging it and deploying it after that:
- lint
- test
- security
- name: docker
if: branch = master
- name: deploy
if: branch = master
The steps are implemented using npm
scripts. I included some security checks using Hawkeye because it is super easy to do and that gives me a bit of peace of mind.
It took me some effort to understand and deploy to my server, but I am pretty pleased with the result, which is on Github. It is quite easy to set up, and pretty flexible to modify to your own liking. The only thing I didn’t manage to do was to leverage Reactstrap to get Bootstrap aware React components. As I understood it is related to this issue, which will get hopefully fixed sometime soon.