AgilePracticesLeadershipA well-run dev huddle increases the alignment among the developers of a team. I'm going to share my experience preparing for and running it
Book ReviewLeadershipRandsIn his newest book, Rands talks about leadership using his experience in different management roles in Silicon Valley companies
AWSTerraformVPCNetworkingUsing VPC endpoints helps keeping your network traffic away from prying eyes. I'm showing you how to provision them using Terraform
ReactTypeScriptCode OrganizationHow do you structure your components in a React application? I like to group mine around features close to the domain enforced by convention
Concourse CIJsonnetTemplatingAfter building a bunch of big infrastructure pipelines for Concourse with jsonnet, I've some patterns to share to handle all that complexity
Concourse CIJsonnetTemplatingTemplating YAML pipelines using a tool like Jsonnet is a way of managing the complexity of pipelines that increase in size and complexity
Auth0OAuthKotlinSpringBootSecurityBuild authorization into your Kotlin backend by combining Auth0, JWTs and Spring Security to ensure only the right parties can execute operations
RESTe2ePostmannewmanPostman is a great tool to explore REST APIs. You can build requests and try them out to get quick feedback. Then you can persist them as collections to make sure that the knowledge doesn't get lost.
KotlinJSONJacksonRESTSpringBootBackends that provide a REST API or consume other APIs have to deal with JSON quite a lot. Luckily combining Kotlin and Jackson makes it a breeze
KotlinTestingMockKSpringBootAtriumWhen working with Kotlin you might need to build some non trivial mocks that need to be verified. Here is how to do it by combining MockK and Atrium
Concourse CIAWSSetting Concourse CI with an authenticated ALB in AWS is an easy way to increase the security of your CI setup, but if you want to still use fly you need to do some adaptations
Continuous integrationConcourse CICertificatesIf you are managing a certificate for an application, you should make sure you know when it is going to expire. This can be automated as part of your build pipeline
Continuous integrationThis article about modernizing pipelines got published in our blog:
JavaWireMockSpringBootTestingUsing WireMock to record third party API calls you can get high quality mocks that reflect reality and are much easier to maintain